
I am an accredited or eligible investor as defined in National Instrument 45-106.


Privacy Policy

Marquest Asset Management Inc. is committed to protecting our clients’ privacy and the confidentiality of their personal information in our possession. This memorandum explains the measures we take to fulfill these commitments.

We ask our clients for no more personal information than necessary. 
The “Know Your Client” information forms we ask clients to complete elicit only the information we need for contractual, regulatory, and income tax requirements (including, name, address, phone numbers, email addresses, birth date, social insurance numbers, asset holdings and values, investment knowledge and objectives, spouse’s name and occupation, and children’s and dependants’ names and ages.) Our application forms for registered retirement accounts elicit only the information needed to register these accounts with the government.

We limit access to clients’ personal information. 
We record clients’ personal information electronically on computer servers to which only authorized employees have access, and only by means of secure passwords. We authorize employees to have access to clients’ personal information only on a “need to know” basis. We have installed firewall software to prevent unauthorized access to our servers. We maintain a duplicate copy of our server hardware and software at an offsite location, for disaster recovery purposes: the same privacy security measures are in place there as in our main offices. Access to paper copies of client information on-site is limited to authorized personnel only. When paper copies of our clients’ personal information are stored at an offsite storage facility, we contractually oblige the storage firm to provide comparable levels of protection.

We prevent unauthorized disclosure of clients’ personal information. 
We require our employees to keep clients’ personal information strictly private and confidential. All our staff sign an annual declaration that they are in compliance with our firm policies, which, among other things, obliges them to respect and protect clients’ personal information. We ensure that departing staff understand they remain contractually obliged to respect the privacy of clients’ personal information. We prohibit disclosure of any client’s personal information to any third party without the client’s explicit consent. We shred paper documents containing clients’ personal information before discarding such documents.